She talks a ton! It's super cute and hilarious at the same time. I have seen her talk to her fist, shove it in her mouth, take it out and talk some more and then repeat that over and over. So funny!!
She loves to stand on our laps, the ground, and in the excersaucer. She has really strong legs, but almost no upper body strength. She can even turn herself in the excersaucer!
She has started to sleep on her side. So there is some progress too just in that she can get herself into the position. She is super wiggly still and will often push her body up in the crib, by planting her feet and lifting her butt, until her head is touching the rails. Silly kid.
Kinda on her side here, I think this was the first time she tried.
She is starting to show a definite preference for me, Mommy, and will tolerate Daddy usually. If anyone else tries to hold her she gets pretty grumpy. Like this:
Seriously Mom!
Barely tolerating.
Flat out pissed!
I take her in this Friday for her 4 month visit with the Pediatrician and am excited to see what her stats are.
Here are her 4 month ladybug and Curious George pics!
(There were tons of funny/silly/cute pics so I plan on posting more in another post.)
Here is month one.
Here is month two.
Here is month three.
She's getting so big!! I love her smile and her crazy precious!!