Summer vacation has really gotten away from us!! I feel like we didn't do anything different than we normally do. We did go swimming and camping, once each. We have been to The Denver Zoo, Children's museum, and had too many picnic lunches at area parks to count. The kids played in the sprinkler and with the sand table. We managed a few story times and just a couple play dates with friends. Fourth of July was all about running around, watching fireworks, and holding sparklers late into the night. They spent most late afternoon and evenings outside with the other neighborhood kids. They would ride bikes and scooters, sword fight, draw with chalk, and have squirt gun and water balloon fights. It's been so much fun and has been great to become friends with our neighbors. And what would summer be without baseball, I am very sad that's over so soon too. I know that the start of the school year in no way means we will no longer do these things, but at the same time I worry it will be harder to fit in all the fun things we enjoy doing. And as ready as I am for Adam to go back to school, I am a little sad that he will be away from us from about 7-4:30 every weekday.
We have already begun preparing for the school year. His supplies will be on his desk his first day and he is signed up for Kindi enrichment as well as before and after school care on the days I work. I've been trying to figure out lunches and snacks to send him off with each day and worrying about how easily he will make friends at his new school. I'm curious if we will like all of his teachers and how long it will take to learn everybodies name. We have walked to the school several times already, but I don't know if he actually knows where to go to find his classes. I am already sad that neither J or I can be there to drop him off on his first day of elementary school. I constantly wonder how he will manage to do simple things that we are usually there to either do for him or help him to figure out. Will he be able to get the lid off the container I send his fruit in, will there be someone to show him where to eat and what to do when he is done?
We have 5 more days to enjoy the summer freely, then it will be time for us all to move on to something new and exciting. And even though I am sure everything will work out for him at school, that doesn't stop a Mommy's worries from coming in the first place.
It does get easier, promise. ((hugs))